Shopify Integration - Max Weight

Max Weight

Max weight grams (optional) is a parameter that could be used in order to exclude certain products in scenarios where the product is bulky or does need special handling. The function will calculate the total weight of a cart and if exceeded, Instabox will be hidden from the delivery options visible to the consumer.

Configuring Max Weight

1. Go to:

Apps -> Instabox -> Settings -> Max weight
and scroll down to Max weight, grams (optional). In this example, we'll set a max weight of 600 grams. Note that this will affect all products above 600 grams so you might need to have thorough look through all products before setting this up.

Instabox Shopify max weight setting

2. Product settings: For instance, if you have a product weighing 555 grams that you don't want enable for Instabox shipping in your store, add a 600 gram limit. Again, this will affect all products above 600 grams.

Store -> Products
Instabox Shopify product settings