Shopify Integration - Services


The services section lets you control how many lockers or home delivery windows you want to display in the checkout. 'EXPRESS' is the locker service and 'INSTAHOME' is the home delivery service.

Apps -> Instabox -> Settings -> Services

The selection will be made based on what the Instabox API returns to the service. So if you set it to show 5 options for the locker service and only 3 lockers get returned by the service—it will only display the options available. The recommendation is to display at least 3 options for 'EXPRESS' while 'INSTAHOME' can be any of your choice. To enable a Service—check the box under "Active".

Important: As soon as you activate the Instabox service, Instabox will be available as a checkout option in your Shopify store.

Instabox Shopify services