Shopify Integration - Skip Order Create Action

Skip Order Create Action

Skip order create action on order fulfillments is a parameter that either will create a final booking to Instabox once the order is fulfilled or skip the step if the final booking will come from another system such as a TA/TMS provider.

Apps -> Instabox -> Settings -> Skip order create

The parameter will be set to 'NO' per default. If you print the shipping labels from Shopify directly (from the Instabox Shopify app) then this setting should be set to 'NO'.

For integrators (3PL, Partners etc.): Service type, sort code, and availability token are stored in the json file of Shopify for any integrator to use the data under object "shipping_lines" and under "code". The values are separated by pipes (|) and need to be parsed by the integrator. Example: "EXPRESS|IN34|befe0cff-5dbd-497b-8169-f8b74077b904".

Instabox Shopify skip order create action