Anonymous Consolidation

The checkout widget supports a special flow in cases a possible consolidation can be pre-determined by having logged-in users or querying email address and phone number beforehand. This behaviour is enabled if either one delivery window in the list of delivery windows is marked as consolidated, or if the property "consolidatedWindow" of the availability response contains a value.

Background data

Code Examples

The anonymous consolidation mode is visible when either the delivery window list contains a delivery window marked as consolidated or the property "consolidatedWindow" of the availability response is present.

Delivery Windows variant

  // this will be returned by the Porterbuddy API
  var deliveryWindows = [
      product: 'delivery',
      start: '2019-03-14T17:30:00+01:00',
      end: '2019-03-14T19:30:00+01:00',
      expiresAt: '2019-03-14T14:30:00+01:00',
      price: {
        fractionalDenomination: 14900,
        currency: 'NOK'
    }, {
      product: 'delivery',
      start: '2019-03-14T19:30:00+01:00',
      end: '2019-03-14T21:30:00+01:00',
      expiresAt: '2019-03-14T14:30:00+01:00',
      price: {
        fractionalDenomination: 0,
        currency: 'NOK'
      consolidated: true
    // ... and so on

Consolidated window property variant, note that a consolidated window is allowed not to specify a start or end time, as in some scenarios providing this data could be exploited to gather information about other people's incoming deliveries.

  // this will be returned by the Porterbuddy API
  var availabilityResponse = {
    deliveryWindows: deliveryWindows,
    destinationResolvedAddress: destinationResolvedAddress,
    consolidatedWindow: {
      product: 'delivery',
      expiresAt: '2019-03-14T14:30:00+01:00',
      price: {
        fractionalDenomination: 0,
        currency: 'NOK'
      consolidated: true,
      token: "..." // token from the backend


When the consolidated option or a delivery window is selected, the "onSelectDeliveryWindow" callback is called in the same fashion as the regular integration. A small change is that in case of a consolidated window, the start and end properties of the window data passed might be not present. To specify that consolidation should be used (if possible) when creating an order, the window token of the consolidated window should be set in the "destination.consolidatedWindow" property of the order request.

Update behaviour

When delivery windows are updated either via periodic updates or by using the callback function, a check is performed if the consolidated window is still available. If not, the widget will switch to the regular matrix view.